vegetarian beef & sausages |
By Sushi | On |
Ingredients |
500g ground vegetarian beef |
300g vegetarian sausages |
1 1/2 teaspoon sage |
1 tablespoons worcestershire sauce |
salt |
freshblack pepper from mill |
1/4-1/2 cup applesauce |
1 1/2 cup rusk crumbs |
pepper |
1 tablespoon chopped celery |
Hello folks! This little recipe is very simple. STEP 1 Take sausages and thouroughly mix all ingredients. STEP 2 Put mixture in greased bakeform and place it in pre-heated oven over medium heat 350F for 45 minutes. Tastes good with French fries or a mixed potato dish. Get one from your local supermarket. Have a nice day and Bon Appetit ! |
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