Little vegetarian meatballs |
By Sushi | On |
Ingredients |
600g ground vegetarian beef |
1 lemmon |
tomatopaste |
1 celery |
egg |
breadcrumbs |
cheese |
1 tablespoon chopped parsley |
Hi there folks!
A good day for a simple recipe Cut away hard parts of celery; make pieces of 1 inch (2,5 cm) Boil in salted water with a bit of lemmon till done. Make vegetarian beef with egg, parsley, a little nutmeg ,milk,breadcrumbs. Form balls same size; boil balls in enough water to cover them,till done. STEP2 Remove balls and celery; keep bouillon for sauce. Let bouilon thicken a little. Add a tablespoon of tomatopaste and some flour to bind sauce. Put celery and balls in dish; sauce over food. Add some cheese. Serve with penne rigate or potato puree with paprika salad and your favorite white vegetable. Enjoy! |
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