you are

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by: Mei

Initium novum (you are)

fuck you beg me
do it give me
cry me hold me
love you need me

I don’t mind
for how long
she’s my pain
I don’t care
we got sex
it’s allright
she’s so cute
I’m okay

you are..

shortcut, recap, gunshot, speedtrain, kickass, french kiss, overdrive, faceslap, bullethole, get-back, turnround, stop me, warm tear, hidden fear, loose it, sore chest, walkhome, feel it, souxie, go slow …

the roads you walk
the depth you dream,
fuck you- beg me

the distances you go
existing in each other,
do it- give me

silence but greater
in life in chance,
tell me- don’t stop here

without god without heaven,
hold you lost it
love you give me

she looks good
I’m okay
she takes time
I don’t care
how long
she’s my pain
I don’t mind
for as long as it takes.



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