one day apollo

the conscious generation
-Building blocks of suppression-

Rocksushi's ABC foundation wants a healthy society.
For example by free and non-frustrated development and education for people. My abc :) is working on a publication with the title of "The CONSCIOUS GENERATION". A website with extra information that goes with it is named MindYou! Next is a rough sketch, about some aspects the ´mixed opposites´ and power, whether big or small. We ourselves are the backbone of a healthy constitutional state or rule of law, keystone of a free and and hopefully happy livable environment.   A few words.
“In a river the color of lead
immerse the babys head
rub her up in the news of the world
dump her on a doorstep girl”
from: The Smiths

The Man who sold the world.

One good powersystem is that of Nikola Tesla's (1856) The serbian-american invented the induction motor, electricity supply system and wireless power transmission. All of which are important in today´s world.

This sidebar is not about
right but about what´s left

Bread and circuses - rule, divide ( and adjust.. )

The ´rulers of this world´ traditionally always have extensively used their networks. By all means their position is carefully guarded, while ours is directed and our idea about it cultivated. We have been made hasty, so we dont think too much about inequality and especially about: how sneaky control relates to our freedom of living, our rights and possible abuse of them. A system of such power is afraid of just one other 'superape' and that is: the public opinion.
( George Carlin - Critical thinking )
What they don´t want is a vast mass of people capable of critical thinking.
Simply because thinking wise, leads to people doing too wise.

Numb & Dumb

Psychology plays an increasingly important part in our lives. Like: how do you entertain people ´n´ keep them happy & content on their couch. Or, how do you change our views, our opinions about important topics, maybe even those who weren´t suppose to be noticed..?
Daily soap shows, filling our minds with there emotional triggers, cliffhangers, ´little-low´ voices and role identification, is a well known example to soothe you.
Media used in a very clever way : It´s not about what´s being said, but about what you´ll remember, times afterwards..
The top very well knows the fantastic power of the smallest divider, the building blocks, wich they use to invisibly build for themselves and to break down around others. Slowly but steady.

The Club- Darth Vader and his protection bubble

But it goes much further than that. On a more closer than the public level you can count on a condensed form of the above misery. There can be many reasons as to why you are an annoying troublemaker for (some in ) the system. You live your life with friends, work, the normal little things you do. Okay, nothing the matter. Until the moment that you ask yourself ´A QUESTION´. Comfortably on your couch, you start thinking for example about created economical unequality, ownership or century old interest. And suddenly, to your own astonishment, you may find yourself surrounded by strange forces and their accompanying lingo..
People making heavy decisions, careworkers, should not seperate ´social´ from ´psychology´. Knowledge.. Just sticking a label on a victim can be so criminally stupid that it should be punishable.

issues: "It can stop people from questioning things or getting afraid to talk about them"
May I refer to:
In the GDR (DDR) lived thousands of tell ­tales and informers. People could be stashed away and locked up for nothing. Such a society, a network bubble, depersonalizes and is corrupt, as are the many decisions made in it´s concealing realities. Maybe we are all finding out anno 2016 that we are living just in the same matrix of propaganda and ´prison´ ? Maybe it´s just invisible. Maybe our picture of gentle sunlight, happy people, nice women and Heineken along the water was taken next to a watch & tab hub. How could we know..? The important difference is, we have a friendly green plant standing next to the exit and we can buy seven tastes of nuts. But it´s all the same.
(again George Carlin - "you have no choice" )
To intimidate or indoctrinate people for personal or collective interests, bad elite (and) governments make use of the official toolbox (intell.), the contacts tree and all their networks, including closed environments like sects, lodges and clubs with strong following hierarchy and leaderschip filled with many biased, group-inluenced, controled and stubborn cemented minds. This can lead to people behind your ass, Zersetzung of informers and frustrations everywhere and much much worse..
We'll explain all the vocubulaire and psychological tricks that try to snatch and ruin people just like our bigworld in general is suffering from psycho-terror and dive in the nursery of organized missery, frustration, control, victimization and abuse. This happens infact quite alot.
Mindyou.. I ám a member of Reuters.
Those totalitarian practicing networks..
are a disaster and much worse than you think at first. From top down in a hierarchic model. That movement ( wave ) is built up from all sorts of, or as many as possible, other´collections´. Here we also find the ´big behinds and moral knights´ or 'agents'.
Sir : "You are no 007. The one that gives you your ´orders´ is no Commander in Chief ; he just sells vacuum cleaners". You are a paramilitary and a wrong one. Like your colleague. You make innocent people that want to stand up, get no chance and break down. You cheat the good lot ánd yourself. Help the world and please..
get a life, find a hobby and mind your own business.
In Sight..
The clever leaders of these fake armies continue to seek their growth in tools who are easily to push.. People in touch with religion or their intuitivity, vulnerable people  and above all (in terms of numbers) the combination of big mouth / narrow mindedness; It will be abused.
Rocksushi describes it like this:"what you are, can be used against you". (and then somebody else - mindyou, also what they wánt you to think you are..)
And gaps of 'deficiency' are filled with ideas of failure and enemies. _Pro- psychological intruders love long-lasting reins over your vulnerability. One does not want to see their Foes.
Joining the big army of frustrators, informers and wrong decision takers to keep up corrupcy. Everybody, slowely massaged and tied behind the mean car, comes under some sort of influence. Strict organized ´clubs´ are handy. They´re infact just one person: their chairman or leader. Having a popstar means having their public. Again another brick. And those are easier to shove than the respective grains of sand. Where there´s a lack of legal means (or ground) there will be enough people and weird hobbies inside the club to do tresspassing dirty jobs, like there are even plenty (care) instances willing to ´strech a definition´, and fooling along with 'the rest'.
It´s lame to think many people find that bubble is more important than the known structure of law and order which we all have agreed upon. " Because it´s protective, it´s where the real power is.." No, it´s Caligula (click clack) and it is, as filled with all the bad practice and crap of the world, as it is with (mostly) ignorant people. (body)
Their vague idea of ´connected to the real network something kinda´, should be replaced by: ´you are a no-no used as a jojo and there you gogo.. ´A roundtrip Pluto and a severe kick in the butt. So they must go for a little visit to a hospital,not a real hospital, a shadow hospital that is, ´cause thats where they believe in, shadows, with professional darts players for doctors and shadow nursus in reality being housewife amateur acting nursedoc wannabees..´ It can be one big scary club all vibrating together, very much punctuated with the same lingo ( that´s characteristic)
And all with a big smile.
On the Mindyou! website I´ll tell more about the importance and function of language and symbols. -a cookie wants sugar-
Music: Shiny Happy People - REM

Donkidea chotte

“People can be totaly unaware that there´s a line,a connection when there is one.
That whatever they join or do, coincidental excitement in whatever form that they are part of, may well be arranged, initiated and used to serve another purpose.. Put it this way; hardly ever would watching cale grow or a walk in a rosegarden cause frustration to somebody else.”
Ideals soon stop when it´s about Power..
Because of gossip and backwards retardedness getting stirred-up and thrown inside the group ,the imagination of that horde of ´agents´ can run astray like a mill gone mad in a way that idiocy and non-logic could basically become motivations for acting dangerous and doing stupid.
For centuries fallacies, live models and (religeous) believe systems like 'ying-yang' have been developed that apparently make sence but are nothing more than the facilitation of a way of thinking with the fake reasons to justify actions against others. Like many dictators don´t believe what they preach themselves or, par example, Muslim leaders that are anything but.
Yin-yang is a poetic concept refering to opposite principles, nice but too mystique, I prefer to see these things in a more logical view like energetic processes. Action is reaction to give a hint.
But it´s simply all about the goal. Billiard balls.. It doesn´t matter, just as long as one goes in. In a way to reach an objective, randomness is just a way, could be an ingredient. One thing is clear however and that is what all this is not about..
If ´too many people on the planet´ is the principal problem in the ideology behind all this, than why not let the church be pro safe sex and have them promote the use of condoms..? Or is it? We cant all have boobs!
"In da pocket.."

..Let´s make a phone call..

That circle is the Machine! The great Dictator. Ready and waiting for orders from vague sources to put someone in a less pleasant way (is this an euphemism) in the spotlight. A collection as we know by now that everywhere collects and molds, washes, confuses and breaks. Corruption makes that things can go on, that decisions can be made different than the decision-maker from the ´knowledge of his profession´ would take, to serve another point of view. To shut somebody up. ´Raise´ them into manipulable usability. To get other things done. At any time, anywhere, from behind every desk. Its the same Head. It´s the chiefs´. Multiplied. For this to happen, incapability, ´movability´ and profiling would be welcomed aspects. Selected because you-are-nót suitable for the position.. excactly just that.
The Nazi´s are a sect. Fascism is a sect and Hitler means soldier. Extreme and ´national´ is nothing else but stringent control and the handing in of liberty. It binds people through fear and (will) sell violence, it subjugates, sets back and confines in a mental ´stop and go´ model. Or, with less people, the more and easier checking of eachothers lives and going nowhere. Where different people and colors should be able to provide for living together in a good way and guarentee healthy criticism.
Rocksushi: A grain of sand is simpler than a stone. But it hasn´t learnt to give up it´s privacies. why would a stone need those?
PF- "can you second that?"
IP- "copy."
Hee lets put some lines around that picture and see what we´ve got..
..that looks like a washing machine!
Getting personal
'house and keys'..
People can be stuck in, or having to do with such a 'gang of green beans' for over a long time and, without knowing it. As the importance to intimidate grows, methods get more scarier and dramatic. Within this circle, people can be fooled in a véry professional way, while being misunderstood and not taken seriously at home.
Indirect -later- interests could play part in this. The ( suggestion of - whats the difference ) brutal invasion on Privacy can put people in such way under (unnoticed) influence that ´from scratch´, feelings of guilt may appear and people start behaving ´politically correct´ ..inside their own places. Maybe as a result of coercion and manipulation in it´s many forms. Knowledge and problem solving ability -within certain aspects- is not appreciated. They can be told that a problem is something depending on like: "just how you look at it". ´Anything is possible.´Things´ can get totaly unbelievable. As a result from various trouble ´far & close´.
Here abc -the website MindYou- would like to make things clear.Like a connector.
Putting the right name to the appropriate picture.
Except for all the disruptive,frustrating and (repeatment) maddening, victims should very much have to watch out! -for their own ´spin-doctors & crazy whirlygigs´.
What matters is : Who is sure (strong), takes his own decisions. Who is not, asks someone else for advice.
If not only our thinking and free will, what more thick walls may have been affected? Some worn out shoes could be whitnesses of a ruining story whose bearer became too tired to tell. Anyhow, it would be great if we could prevent someone walking around ´overcome´ by purposefully powered fear.
Despite all the ´queens´ and ´knights´ (real ones wear a uniform remember) in such a movement; the loads of radiating attention can make people feel otherwise..,
We are no Royals.
That unfortunately, one has to leave to the real animals. The voiceless.
In its ordinary everydayness we at it´s best, are healthy people willing to get along with eachother in a good way.
Content with contentness maybe means being happy in this. "Goes fine" is what you say on these moments. A healthy little ´robot´ with reflexes and routines we ourselves and others can confidently trust. Yet, we have to do with: king, emperor and admiral.
In this, the king is your ówn mind. The rest I shall leave to your imagination.
don´t get lost.
Looking very much forward to making the new website MindYou!
suppression and cult-alike behavior in our world and lives.
Here are some of the titles and subjects on the new website in random order.
About all of the above including all the organized/planned crap, the trick box that fits every preposition and since day one for many years can: mislead, abuse, thorn apart, manipulate, control, surround, ruin, steal away, frustrate and falsify your well-being, thinking, faith and life.
We´ll name it áll and won't mince words as we go from behavior to ALL of the the 'YouTube lingo'.. from :
languages ('waybill') & lingo (puzzeled misleading language -lying the truth); language and psycho-linguistics; monopoly; eco-nomy; corruption; history; awareness and thinking; repression; information; technique and media; law and articles; *fraude with innervoice (simulation, techniques and methods); society in shorts; 'rings'; your pillars; ego-lego; self/confirmation and confidence; id & ID!;what is recognition?; will (power); independence and problem-solving; victim roles; forced values; substitution; ethics & moral values; dogmatism; idea and practice; guilt; shames and fears; (outlay of) society; punishment; addiction; trap & change -the speed of- reality; to things like:

red herring; Lisa; (social) fear, phobia and failure; the power gold rush: psychology and control; the dream Police; Dream police and "bad dream" ( extern simple trick on people in rem phase. Mental assault evoking upsetting, violent(defeat) and perverted dream moments during victims sleep. Kissing your sweetheart can be switched to your daddie in your dream. It's just voice you are following. Waking up with a wrong image and shocking idea is not funny, it can mean a devastating(sexuality) identitycrisis. "Put a sleeper's fingers in a glass of water and he starts peeing" is an old saying. In situations I say : dreamt I fuK*d my grannie thrice but she looked like Taylor Swift..); what is politics?, reflecting(mandatory) politics: the demorepublic; Maio or Pluto -cracy? Political fist, suggestions and measures against -self- corruption (the dichotomized society and reasons to poverty. bad effects and misdeeds by the (covert) reign of a privileged minority : 2nd class people dumped in stratified environments, punished as perpetrators instead of helped as victim vs elites that can go on and on, relying on abuse of both power and trust and not thwardted in any political responsive way) ;

steppingstones (the tricky steps that 'morph' you away from your present concepts & ideas); lucid dreaming; provocation & blackmail; shunning; black hat; compromising(to reprehend a point of view); QandA; 'voice or buzz'; doubt and discord; 'DEMO-effect' (spoiling the 'good in one time' feel); tricks that make you forget or stop questioning; watts-inna name?(nomen est omen, how psychology and names work out, the communication department, famous names and the public underbelly, the influenced famous ); hypochondria; word-scare ( don't be indoctrinated. Never mind assholes & never follow 'alien orders') ; crypto-Nazi's; eugenics; crossbreed programmes (soc control ); longlivety; Groups 'moral'knights and agents(cleaning and resistence); cults and sects and obediences; fear communities; nlp; infiltration on the work-floor and inner-circles; -home- media (repetitions & tricks with); the storyboard; bubbles; 'distractions' and going nowhere; immortality (cut that crap. don't postpone); suprise -fright and panic; dreams; respect; 'hang' and repeats; a 'meeting'; operators; lack off initiative and responsibility (awaiting & sitting things out); escape & denial ; stop-thoughts; break routines; suggestion of control;

(no)sex & oversexed; sexual abuse; child abuse; mental rape; premeditation; general drugs information and addictions; food drug and industry (i.e. 'haldol statues', addicted society and safetyness); industry and small farm news; food mood & health; stress: recovery and resilience; synchronicity; pressure and high expectations; low self-esteem and doubts; bad agreements with yourself (date/conditions); bad dare & challenge? ( walk away), denial and stupid long stubbornness ( endless 'ego-trip'); ..and another reverse psychology.. ; the ego takes it all and self-revenge; punishment self chastening; withdrawal; confessions; self-siege; image & object; self-deceit; knack movements; Personal Jezus; reference points; time; photo flashed; "fault!", "thank you.." and *"yes yes"; language and psychology; verbs and prepositions; profiling-searching & bias; what is status; status abuse & authoritarian persuasion; assumptions; nlp with manager Yolo *Andersom; the 'association-federation'; double binders (concentration or dispersal. in language towards ambiguity - practically towards confusion and dilemma.) crossroads; existential movement (searchin basics: origins and ends) ; day-break; 'everything rhymes'(also about six degrees of separation); divide and conquer; poo & pee; soapy road - allurement false hints and stimulus; demanding purity: "over! new!"; puppets; 'multi-track'; infantilization; the 'no-model; strange(r) invocations like "action" ? (follow no alien orders); signaling telling you to look/behave like a lunatic (Quick tip: continue doing normal. look and be sane)
Bigbrothers grouped networks and losers; inequality and inequity; 'secrecy'; ARD; predictions (scare); pre-destination; mirroring; 'fairies'; showtime! clowning; friendship; coercion; indoctrination...
...(neuro)monitoring & control;surviving monitoring:techniques and consequences (like eavesdropping dilemmas: how to speak at home or know you hear the truth when people know what you want to ask and can act in advance);
'Two track thinking' ( don't); 'presentations' ( role playing, 'Youtube' acting. Victims habit can come from requests to: "always say what they think and say what they feel" and act it. 'listening & obey'); shadowing; stalking; personality reading; fake news propaganda and influencing; Starman ( bite and bambie psychological behavior models); influence- and harassment methods; sound behavior; emotion triggers; priming; senses and -weird fearful- sensations ( for instance a heartbeat 'fuck', pains, itching, misplaced anxiety, eye pressure, cold); Space-monsters, the 'Beast' and other scary nonsense stories; a 'shoutlist'( list upsetting phrases:'his dad is also under my control','may be 'whispered' (deceited) the rest of his life', 'better luck next life'..); piratenmedia (buzz, kutkomedie en gelazer namens/voor 't huis' door : schuim, kruim, circusaap, kringbaard,springpaard en ander vreemdgespuis);
about acting(everyting); the-joke-is-over ( all harassers' tricks to stopping victims -looming- awareness about their situation and covert manipulation); false rescuers (tricking folks a 2nd time); growth and contrast; use of audiovisual techniques and tools (induction loops; ci's, fm-systems etc); changing 'states'; Ultra and other (Government) projects; Ultra projects -semi government(the next website attempts to give a view on the meaning of 'projects' seeing them from social-medical point of view as well as cover-ups for illegal control concerning security; social demand( structural functioning ) and ofcourse the waste-roles multi-purpose-tools sex-dolls scapegoats indulgent blame totems and other 'elitarian' reservations; mal- and anti -information;
instigating; school-to-prison pipeline; 'night train'; withdraw-withhold-without; fake standards; -living lies and spoiled time or: 'lonely rockstar' & 'samourai crusaders' (divine thought model); super-ego and 'super' coincidence a.o; the unkempt ubermensch? (answer: Spitfire);fascism; masking; electronic harassment- facts & fiction- about electronics radio- & -remote- technology; neural-monitoring( see before, inc smart implants); mechanics; processes; clarity: compass and axes and values; form follows function(about copy-mimic-imitation "zone" and likenesses); repeat and movement anthropology and Darwin; hyper ventilation; bio research; traffic and medical accidents; sectarian hairballs; ☀; rejecting-victim hood; black sun; brain & mind; memory and fantasy, intuition; patches and scratches; empathy; free will & cheese; a bit of fun with) statistics; a bit of fun with philosophy (what is distance or emptyness?); personalities and lifestyles; size matters (about complexes); spy tips; intrusion & detachment effects; mental 'stay behind borders' firewall; thought and behavioral (de)freezing; between happiness and farewell; mischief; some notes 'on au sérieux behavior'; 'emotional equalizer'; emoticons and emotions; moods (with extraction or addition); architecture; How-To: Privacy; what breaks believing in your own abilities? questions on authority and identity; My family( political indoctrination and conditioning); love; happy thoughts and even 'why can't you draw your own kidneys?' (ain't that weird?); lists, answers and addresses and múch more.

🔎MoreOn MindYOO

mental foam limbic system cognition choices ego and image pain recognition modalities somatognosia medical scans Otis Redding photography - music and admin management catatonia lightning curfew hormones depersonalization controlled emotions to think power and impotence
Spatial thinking symbols climate Balints syndrome mental preparation sleep to learn nervous system brain and face the cortex angiogram neurotransmitters dumbing down cataplexy PunkRockReggae :) chameleons anima Darwin recalcitrant theatre 'telepathy' (mind the apostrophes..) shared emotions rapture
Broca projection unconscious bypass motor skills awareness reflex and impulse sensory preferences consciousness disorders mass communication archetypes & role models temperament romance animals achieve Manga react - respond and discharge perpendicular to the opposite.

You matter! Sleep and eat well!! --Viva Life.

All knowledge disappears in a dot. The Conscious Generation.
Work ánd play!

I complain and I like it. ..Yahoooo!! :)

* "Yes" in the bad direction can do more harm than
"No" in the good direction.
* Cults are destructive.
* Such under the heavy restriction of an assumed and clear relationship with a cult -alike-
environment and its inhumane coercive practices.
Applicable for many terms in the list. Many elementary/key words have been left out.
This goes for the whole of the Rocksushi website.

* Andersom in my language means 'the other way round'.
 A little while longer and I have no family to talk about ..
Intruders who unseen interfere and intervene in
time, space and the reality of people with the aim to severely controle and manipulate others and without
or with that to stop any, if not all positive natural progress of these victims,
resulting into sabotage of your life, identity and results.

Maybe you have experienced bad stuff, maybe you're still in it or maybe
your intuition or curiosity wants you to find out more about ,if so, repressive operating
'background bastards' harassing & controlling the normal flow of your life..
Google 'BITE' or 'behavior control' and your eyes will open up soon.
There are a lot of good books and Youtube videos from big and small 'heroes'.
Please always watch out for -unintended- wrong information especially with 'wow! and alien' videos.
On a future with a future!

   "This ís just a happy recipe website. And hopefully tasty."

   Thanks for your time!
”The important thing is not to stop questioning.” ― Albert Einstein.
also he said: if you cant explain it, you don't understand it yourself..

Kiwi in a box of oranges.
Speelgoedbeest on fear.
Conscious generation/Freud Flintstone.

This page is a pre-announcement of Mindyou.

A social critic,stray cat and ´guide´ about:"why & why not."
But above all, I just hope the info will be able to help someone, somehow.

"heh heh.. ..Ho Ho."

Recent Comments


gbgbgbgbgj On August 23, 2016 | Reply


    gbgbgbgbgj On August 23, 2016 | Reply


    gbgbgbgbgj On August 23, 2016 | Reply


    great On August 23, 2016 | Reply


    great On August 23, 2016 | Reply


    marty On August 28, 2016 | Reply

    M&Ms On September 15, 2016 | Reply

    What do you think of my room ?

    my  lovely room with nice interior

      marty On September 15, 2016 | Reply

      Great! ..I know those shoes. Nice guitar..Flex!

    Valerie On September 16, 2016 | Reply

    is a banana really yellow? it is not that easy. where is the trick?
    whats the psychologie behind it..( important)

      marty On September 17, 2016 | Reply

      I know what you mean..
      In my new plant I saw a flower
      It wasn´t a flower
      it was a snicker..

      clean up your room.

    Valerie On October 5, 2016 | Reply

    I só can relate tho that!

    I second that emotion..

      marty On October 7, 2016 | Reply

      clean op your snicker and

      eat up your broom.

    FayeDonneraway On April 24, 2017 | Reply

    Will you talk about skizophrenia too..?

      marty On April 24, 2017 | Reply

      Serious! Yes! We’ll even talk about J.Bond and Double binders.

    frolep rotrem On May 12, 2020 | Reply

    Thanks for helping out, fantastic information. “If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. Men will believe what they see.” by Henry David Thoreau.

    froleprotrem On May 14, 2020 | Reply

    Merely a smiling visitor here to share the love (:, btw outstanding design and style.

      mj On August 27, 2022 | Reply

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