• preparation: 30 minutes.
      2 bulbs/pp.
    What we need:
    2 tbsp
    dessert wine
    2 tbsp honey
    2 tbsp wine vinegar
    1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp fish sauce
    4 dates in small parts
    ½ teasp thyme
    ½ teasp oregano

Rockerz reggae

Comnts Tornado Chasers n/a


Old WW2 winter food: flower bulbs!


A recipe that saved lives

How to make.

Put 4 peeled and well cleaned tulip bulbs (or onions) in a pan with a glass of sweet
dessert wine and half a glass of water and cook until tender. Make a sauce of 2 tbsp
dessert wine, 2 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp wine vinegar, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp fish sauce,
4 dates in small parts, ½ teasp thyme and ½ teasp oregano. Cook for about 5 minutes.
Serve the flower bulbs with the sauce and sprinkle with black pepper.

Prefer a firm bite? Then clean the flower bulbs and cut them into wedges (cut out any
hard core). Blanch the segments for 30 seconds in a large amount of salted water and
remove them immediately from the pan. Drain and serve with the sauce.

*Defrutum is used in the recipe. That was must of grapes that was boiled to 1/3. Replace
it in the above recipe with a delicious syrupy dessert wine or go to work yourself:
take a pack of grape juice and cook it to 1/3.

Two more ways:

The sober original war recipe is even more simple:
Cook the clean bulbs -cut away brown leaves- for about 20-30 minutes.
Then just mash mash the bulbs and maybe add some salt or sweet.
They should taste pretty okay a bit like sweet chestnuts which you can get at
shops (or from the trees when you know how to find them) and toast on your stove pit.

Bulbs filled with cheese, breadcrumbs and parsley, followed by the flour and egg batter
then dipped in the hot olive oil.
For the sauce:
1 tsp dried thyme, 1 tsp peppercorns, 1 tbsp chopped fresh mint or mint, 1 tsp honey,
1 tsp wine vinegar, 1 tbsp garum
Mix the ingredients and distribute them over the flower bulbs.

Festina Lente & bon appetit!

  • preparation: 30 minutes.
      2 bulbs/pp.
    What we need:
    2 tbsp
    dessert wine
    2 tbsp honey
    2 tbsp wine vinegar
    1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp fish sauce
    4 dates in small parts
    ½ teasp thyme
    ½ teasp oregano

Rockerz reggae

Comnts Tornado Chasers n/a


I'll try myself some cod with hyacinth soon; Let you know if I survived.