French meatloaf with leek
2 beaten eggs
1/4 cup water
4 slices white bread
1/2 cup onion
1 can tomatosoup
1 tablesp chopped parsley
500g ground beef
salt pepper
pinch nutmeg
2 leeks
pinch nutmeg
Something leeky and diffrent that smells good!
Beat eggs, mix with water. Soak crumbled bread in it and add onion, celery and a quart of tomatosoup; mix good through meat; add salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Grease cake mold; cut leeks in thin slices and put on sides and bottom of baking form.Safe some leek rings. Give the meat mixture a bread shape and put it into the mold. Pour over rest of soup and add some leek rings on top. Put in medium heated oven for one hour.
Tastes good with potatoes, leek and a fresh salad with tomato and boiled eggs.
Bon appetit!