
Rocksushi would not be the little website she is, without the help
of many people in many ways.
I like to name a few resources here.


Some of the resources I have used -additions and info too- in the realisation of this website/app
were just found on the internet.
They come from pages and websites without a food theme.
I used a lot of good work from great home-cooks with their recipes on specialised websites like:   and


I used some books for our collection. I like to mention:
‘BRAVE GEHAKTBAL’ (ruim 200 maal anders met gehakt. Eng: over 200 times different with a meatball)
and the ‘Mexican cooking class cookbook’, truly amazing with wonderful pictures.


Thanks to websites and their contributers like  
Github  Stackoverflow. Thanks to writer and reporter G.E.  . From his books the advertisingcolumn – lamppost inspired
drawing and CNN (Gulf war2) remark.
Many thanks to Wikipedia for the sidetexts for these silly music pages
that I’ll probably erase cuz they kinda suck and some general information on main page.
It is my intention to replace most if not all recipes content by that of ‘ourselves’.
The website will be smaller, but more personal too and I hope to please the visitors with that.
Rocksushi will be connected to other sites and function as a note/message board for and between my friends.


I used pictures found on the internet and made by ourselves. Also thanks again to Dawn for the general
creation of ‘Suzi’ and all the other folks whose work has helped me.

