For friends and a guy whose friendship I appreciate very much.
‘Divide and conquer’
Tis heel simpel, laat je niet gek maken. Keep it cool.
“A while back I talked /wrote to people of who you may aspect would listen.
I asked them to please take a look over at somebody’s place and see if everything was okay
The situation as I described it, could come right out of the ‘handbook of remarkable signs’ if you know what I
mean like: rather abrubt no contact, behavior change, a closed and locked house etc.
..Nothing. Totally nothing.
On MindYou! I also talk -immaculate- about my family. Personal questions are getting bigger and bigger.
Things that happened could make a movie director tumble from his chair.
It’s like one of those old Readers Digest stories. With arranged people let me say it this way:
What you know is a lie
and what you do, you fix for sombody else.
The angstgegners around grandparents,
the complicated lives of nearly all friends and personal relations,
car failures of Paul my then young father,
and how come my healthy younger brother (family) collapses on a bridge in a generalized attack?
Im afraid my grandfather spent time and ‘fought’ with his stamps and picture albums,
not against his -invisible- bars. […]
My grandparents must have experienced indoctrination on every level and must have dealt with a lot of 'underbelly',dim repression and angstgegners in many ways and 'social' disguises.It-is-a-destuctive-mess.
A continuous field of sneaky psychological suppression -a grim when good, a smile when you're heading for trouble and nothingness- has done no good. The lives of my family to say it frankly haven't had much of a chance..
What has happenened -and still- in and around my family is to say the least remarkable. I think we could have celebrated 100 years of total indoctrination.
And the last years close -150 m.- away from both an info/museum visitpoint of the army and a police bureau. It's getting more unbelievable by the day.
Unfortunately I came to the point where as I can no longer deny the thought and possibility that for a long time since, a deliberately looking away (which makes them complicits) has taken place, by forces in which I and most anybody else have always put strong 100% believe and confidence.
update. Come on.. "he may be taken off" sounds sweet compared to other remarks I hear. Cafe wastebags of bottles are emptied in the middle of the night.. and this is just the jerk department. I wont even accept excuses from our authorities anymore.
Did I mention Oltmans somewhere? Later, on another website.
On the new website I'll show how big Brother becomes many little new ones
and how sect. and organised practices fit, as well as come together
in psychological keys.
Too much known, is the symbol of finger over mouth,
of impotence and indistinctnes but nothing happens.
Yet the same time victims are frowned upon and laughed in the face.
Finding its resources in the community and groups where
unity is a central force, gullibility is highly present and
the continuation of fraude, deceit and humbug is a daily practice,
peoples lifes are being ruined.
It's class..It's Rome!
But there is good News: MindYou!
'Read' the name of my father PAUL in round -like NASA- letters. What do you see?
I dont know if its clear ányway, its meaningless just by itself, but (personal) examples like this will make
a lot of other things suprisingly (more) clear in terms of meaning, understanding and relations, on the new website soon!
_ _ _
About a new website MindYou! – suppression and cult -alike- behavior.
Neither does it belong to the MindYou website or it’s ‘pre-page’ on this site.
“Cults are a major problem that affects more than a few people..”
Steve William Allen
These networks and their ‘cooperatives’ create on every level, small or big,
inside and between people conflict after conflict. General frustration and suppression..
it brings me to what Bill Hicks said: “ we live in a society based on fear. Not on love..”
Audio/visual language.
Noone has to find other words for the immense frustrations from organized network idiots towards people in a clamp culture; it’s called fascism.
Frustrations in: deeds, rules and words. * For a good understanding of our world and yourself one needs a good 'medium': language! But language can also be used in an opportunistic and bad way -towards others.
Words and lingo.
..For some a tool and endless playground.. (skippy, reverse, replace, exaggeration, wrong ’emphásis’, repeatment(), control, 'modus tollens', conjure meanings, submissive to, per ongeluk expres, visualization, trance, hidden commands, covert stalk talk, double and cross talk, wordreading/truth seeking, blaming & shaming, threats, creating fear and phobias, growing associations, false hints, ‘lingo’ a 1000 ways to confusement and a misleading presentation or indication of ‘truth & facts’ etc. -sum-) ..and except for many other bad intentions, a way to see bad meaning and persuade others to fool along and to find -better- to constantly seek ways to possibly mean trouble to people and the wrong reasons to do so.. […]
An example of a bad way of looking to things and one of the ways sucking can be explained is information bias, always seeing 'dirt on your floor'. Little (like a magnified one between many other facts goin the other way) or, half truths are used as 'a false flag to cover the whole load' of for example an assertion or statement that doesn't necessarily have to be true at all!
Biases are often used to fool yourself. Grasping the first clue or pseudo argument that seemingly proves your thinking is right, even when its not correct and your not sure at all. False confirmation that is.
People often use this trickery with language to find what they 'want to find', and in certain milieus this behavior is propagated to directly influence and convince with (specific) information. With or without 'searching and trickery' people can be learned to take all language coming under their eyes as filled with absolute truth, meaning task and divine in a forceful fundamental way. Assumptions and believes can go in combination with religious dogmas. What weird ideas can people 'stumble upon' or be given in language, words. How much and what can one (self) suggestively put in a 'void'..? And can it possibly hurt others?
Language is very important but at the same time and in many ways * can disrupt important relations.Especially with other psychological and destabilizing practices.
The sad image of a victim that by mental trickery from his surroundings started juggling with language and
as result of this has began to understand and act from a different meaning and world-view. It's invisible just looking at the person.
And how is this person going to explain this when he has to account of responsibility?
NB:tollens means to spin. My family lived in a street with that name.
– An example of a language 'trick' is reverse or cut. Two/three starting letters of a consecutive syllables in a word or of words make a new word. (Some use this Rücksichtslos to find an 'indication or path to/of truth with words. more on this later. unfortunately it is not complétely crazy... )
One can imagine when this 'rule
is applied to a word like ‘blood transfusion’. *
(Please dont be stupid; do what emergency care requires and more. Use your mind. Also necessary vaccinations from trusted medical (school) health care are physically safe. )
This here is about language as a reason to reject ('difficult') yet important things but for some people this applies because of their * 'demand for purity';
A very black ór white and uneasy self-esteem system and stress costs RAM.. which comes down to a loop of avoidance and immaculateness (feelings of wholeness, control or new and divine are 'at stake').
The demand of purity 'ancestors' from a max-result philosophy that demands total and clear distinction of values.
But the demand of purity (ánd protect) is also about information & group isolation and sexual purity. Sect and cults are about (mashed in ) compliance and sexual (child) abuse. no need further explaining.. Just Remember that one of the first
rules for members parents and their children of the Jehovas was nothing but a set of behavioral rules of compliance and submission toward well-off folks from society and government ( the guy looks like BigBrother). You get it?
With that, Cults and sects are basically all nazi result & people control/use offsprings.
(on MindYou I'll explain the nazi-model a little more as land conquest and expansion with a motivation not with friendly mutual human moral (that would be impossible) but of war and Darwinian survival strategy (right of the strongest) and then on that new territory stribing for control and a social-economic engine by pushing of a rather cold maximum result logic.
As of old and very likely, rumors go that some of these doctrine rules are also meant for others(bosses elites etc) as a cover-up so they can hide behind these rules (eg. taking no bloodtest). That's why 'they' have tried to give some sects the aura or appeal of a church, to make things look more legitemate and social acceptable. Essential vaccinations, let alone emrgency transfusions are very important; refusing is not wise.
However.. basic vaccinations are arguable totally innocent. I see it as possibly a first inlayed traumatization of a young child by giving it pain, fear and questioning and seemingly overruling of parental control and bond. There's never one side to a problem and I can understand
parents can have problems about this. Let me say, I once had a mega shot to protect me from tetanus. Didn't give me any first time parental breach of trust or dormant idea of a strange copelling outside force.
Since the reason to all this was very clear to understand : a little tiger bit me in the balls well, actually it was a drooling wild animal.
* ( Except for compulsive repeatment from -induced- stress and insecurity. btw when you mash & wash someone's mind with the idea of "being stupid", they can stay a lonely child till their dying day.)
Anyway, obstacle thinking results in slow and delayed progression, over and over again. You're made an old person, not the vivid quirky one that you maybe still are or would be. It mimics so to speak that elderly process. Imitations and copies (form follows function) are important in suppressive psychology because it gives you more of the same is it confusement, is it inlayed fear.
To what all 'Magic' with *linguistics (*product and producer of staticly said: social proportions) and its interpretation -with unsuspected side effects and results- has lead? People will have made -from a wheel and bell- a bicycle while the bell and wheel were in the bag of a boy in a train to Haarlem.
– Someone’s ‘sudden’ tendency to play with letters and words- .. in the exceptional case of our context, could indicate ‘bad influence’ around that person.
– Ofwel.. zaken uit Verhaal, Verband en Verhouding trekken. (het wordt grijzig buiten)
On Mindyou are destructive examples of psychology with lingo. We’ll show an imaginary multitask manager ‘Yolo’, who doesnt know a thing about his job nor about his NLP 'crap'.
Also a pretty bad combination and fairly much abused is people and religion. ..religion? Yes, especially those with a cultural background of ‘Living Spirits’, something I find very honourable and respectfull. However, it aint hard to foresee problems in the context of what I'm talking about here but more on that later.
Religion or magic look like strong emotions because they fervently search for enlightment or redemption and are always open to signs from outside. Religion can already be a taken step towards a desired state. (extatic)
There is a lot of deception because religion (faith) and magic do not need rational grounds and in itself always find
arguments to confirm the 'inner truth'.religion is originally looking for worldly discernments but 'the oppressor did not come much later to 'abusefool' the people with it. And what all can you put in a Void?
One of the reasons that psychological (warfare / sectarian) trouble often tries to hides itself, wants to be invisible to a victim, except its own invisibility is self-undermining & obey or auto-acceptance under
coercive influence and an apparently autonomous development; hardly noticeable as the wind next to a hot air balloon.
The many ‘hints’ towards exotic cultures and anthropological exclusivities in my youth, haven’t led me astray ever since though.. I like my friends and do love to travel still
* word juggling or ‘Lingo’ isn’t only used to provide bull and false confirmation (i.a), ‘cut and paste’ are also used by popstars to write lyrics.
Buzz and influence.
Sneaky ‘buzz’ (esp. with monitoring) can put you on a road (‘steppingstones’ watch it!) of -self- shame (de schuld-schulp) and -emotional- blackmail, turn a saint into a crook, isolate you, doubt/change your sexual ideas, (slowely) push/change
your ideas, and more serious ..Serious! trouble as creating false ‘fingerprints’ and profiling,
drive somebody absolutely nuts and scare to death. nibbit and nibbit (link) Part of ‘hobby club’ scratch and false start. […]
No words can describe this absolute filth and misery. This bad human machinery.
Who would’ve thought this silent and vague.. ( HERE!) life-robbing and ‘sst! scene ‘
(a growing, overarching compartmentalization) was real and not only part of a scary Dirty Harry movie..?
Of course this little piece is about behavior, more precisely, the – if so – stimulated, provoked, embedded and locked decisions and choises.
People can end up in a life(path) that isn’t theirs, so, or because critical choises weren’t completely their own.
For victims, any possible (too late) awareness of the immense emotional-fraud and bugger can equal ‘a lot of headache’.
But what is a choice and what keeps people hangin..?
Some folks will understand when I say that a C-programmer (formal computer language) actually could know better whats going on than just someone else.
Hair-dresser’s and cars..
autorij.(norm). *loterij fonetisch:val-uitderij(* "gewoon eruit gehaald") uit de gelederen(norm) gevallen..fumble up. (Dutch)]
Stamping (sealed and delivered), setting aside, THE GAMES THAT PEOPLE PLAY.. an ever growing bunch of minions in the same cliques and ‘Breeding ponds’ from ‘fascist’ elites. The bad side of ‘BBro and rice’. Here kids, especially in disrupted home situations, can get their first nasty little bites and scratches; the soil upon which further developed characteristics, later in life, will make it easier to dim or handle them ‘on demand’
like you would drive a car. Because, think, what can you do with a car..
Those ‘kick-around’ circles and bubbles take over (as of old) more and more parts of our lives and co- determine
how we see the world and must interpret it. Yes, even more, how we -are supposed- to see ourselves.. […]
Want adel verplicht. The obligation of the stream. how you feel and the ideal what you want/must be. There is a difference , an impossibillity, a lie.
My grandmother who was a working and wise woman who studied medicine for her work, knew a lot of trouble (for) herself. Scratches..
Organized trouble that ‘kicks you 'on the knees' ’ and than blame you for standing up.
How far does and can trouble really go around you, your home, loved ones and ruin the feeling of privacy and living safe?
People are in many ways easily to confuse & disrupt. With that, weird images of *reality and this world can come up.
(* reality is a bunch of numbers. reality: ass.. of reality are a bunch of values normally effecting to a (grossmodo) equal result in behavior, including terms of predictability and subjctv variables)
Bad practices like non-stop backtalk addressing you with 'peep' information around-and-in your privacy sphere by these losers gives upset and a
handle to accidents.
It's, let me say- possibly hindering and reversing the process of realizing almost anything by loading negative intent.
This backtalk may confuse and leave victims clueless while hints and remarks often are metaphors for the target himself, what he did or will be doing.
( monitoring -ec- , Sensitizing , surrounded feel)
Please let me repeat: the inner circles, a mix of closed environment , sectarian elements and chains of own people under same obeying rules can put away victims in a hidden -care- circuit, a fillet with corruption and dramatic errors.
- There has been a movie about BB corruption and bad practise: The Firm,
with the sad fact being one of its main actors actually related to a devouring cult.
- the firm was an English band with a song named Startrekking: "we're going forward 'cause we can't find reverse.."
Enough people find out, that the many friends and wind-in-the-back have turned into an elusive atmos,
with stressleak pumpin frustrations of some farm losers from below the big Org, human gruel makers fooling folks privately and lacerating the country.
How many -have become- in the pocket elements are prepared to whip someone up for the 'VOC'?
Like an organized stalking lot that works its way around a victim, a bunch of sect (alike) fundamental paramilitary intruders 'Kings moral knights..', reactionary, devoted, passionate and totaly nuts, as they right away, on some leaders or other Chair's wink start frustrating and intimidating in case certain -given- 'values' or symbols are critisized or incase someone has to be -for example- scared and hushed.
Focked up censorship and again someone who is afraid to do his or her job..
Yes they do exist, that hurde that protects the BB gurdle wether they got any clue or not. Well, no..
These minions and endless co-op x's of bad big brother (he has a big map) can frustrate, ruin and falsify the lifes of people day in and day out in a sneaky and (hidden) organized way. *Zersetzung was nothing else.
A bad handshake and someone can be in a mold of troubles and kneaded usability maybe from childhood onwards.
Do Please understand that we are truly talking about existing destructive forces.
Also please note the thankful reminder that Rocksushi and mindyou are international websites. They do not concern your safe street alone. Albeit that 'babylon' and elitarian top corruption is everywhere. There is of course difference between fooling the public and personal indoctrination. Thanks.
On MindYou! we’ll sure talk about these things! From behavior to ‘what’s with the color purple..?’ -Yea I know that might sound strange-. Anyway..
Yes! *sure we talk about and show -one of- the queens of control and harassment too; the covert/subdue influence on your thoughts, inner voice and behavior. -did I think it or did I hear it..?
We openly discuss and explain the (sound) tricks and ‘Layer’ techniques, give clear examples and show simular processes in NORMAL use and functioning today, to understand things better.
In MindYou we also go back to our youth for example Delft where cult-lingo could be heard for the first time, a vague scene, blinded windows and emptyness. And the buz far and close still continues..
We talk about the creme de la creme of filth: Handlers and BITE -models (i.a.) in relation to controlled bad influence on behavior, ‘trottel’ scenes around it and how -with the help of a lot of pro’s and good people- we will show them their rights.
Pairing trouble.
-I wanted to say somthing about how deception and fear are used, Media, trouble on a closer level and fooling
the public – the inventory and methods to fuck over -key- people, not seldom before they end up as a tiny ‘news of the day headline’ or show up in a
(close) connection, by a ‘role’, with the above mentioned. But I dont.
There are plenty of bad (external) reasons why people dont talk, a stop on what normally would have been said a long time ago.
This is only Rocksushi website!
Over correctness can easily bring confusement and contradictions but, I hope its clear that:
-You (everybody) can always talk to me and share whatever it is you wanna share!-
‘Political’ or Over-correctness can ruin the understandability of dailytalk. That’s why I make MindYou! an easy and NON politically correct little website..
-“Yo, watch it.. some story is going around.”
“About what?”
“About the tall man ..beyond the horizon.”
Corrupted: innercircles frustrate & serve
-Jim: what about in da pocket care and Wha’if people are really cheated ?
see also Q&A
-Rocksnoezie: Looking good to things as a whole process, from another discipline, for example with the safety questions
‘who, what, how, where, when’ shows exactly what happens. With basically tiny changes to them
(-in an apparently normal situation– for example: amplifying or lookalike, repeating whatever) you can already totaly change the look & feel of a ‘normal’ result into a frustration etc.
People their stories are not believed.. The trouble can be sleek and slick and happen over and over again. Yet it might be hard to blame and clearly pinpoint things. The same with ‘*stretched definitions’, or corrupt diagnoses. BUT.. it’s nothing else but changing (the sum of) the parameters, it’s working with information in an unsuspected AND/OR wrong way and that,
if I’m not wrong, is fraud.
* remark coming from first-hand.
(Please, again take note that: In this writing The factual presence (though maybe sneaky) of bad intent within our context is assumed) I want to show especially! all the ‘invisible’, vague and tiny tricks ‘smooth criminals’ can lay on people (in the muuuchh bigger chapter of suppression) for example: how trouble (and that’s always somethin with ‘tóó’) can lie in the extension of what you do, are into or started. See above
You started something on wich they can mess and cheat further upon while your memory ,to mention something, is short.. and calculated bullshit in monitored environments is far from being incidental.
Q&A: okay I got some questions and answer here with a small elucidation
(incase of cult/corr. network trouble )
“.. and simply not listening to..” (livingroom photo below)
Sure! They only want to see what they want to see. This also means: coloured facts and/or leaving facts out (sum).
And by saying ‘this-is-our-job-this-‘case’ ( he or she) -is-known’, there will not be another objective party, looking
carefully and investigating the whole line of history. In other words: from a to z and in a clear abc.
You are right. Read stuff and write down (very important: make back-ups & write clear so you can read it back!!) your own trouble and possible weird things that happen. That is important.
It makes things hopefully a little easier for you
and for someone else! Talk or write, it’s free. (If you are in clear, bad trouble always see the police)
Besides that, find people like you.
Help each other! You probably recognize things, or tricks. Maybe you’ll find and see similarities in stories.
..Statistical reminders. What people can’t see or explain to others may become visible as a ‘remarkable trend’ when you compare things and that recognition alone can already be helpful.
Statistical reminders..
Victims of organized psychological harassment: monitoring (stalking), severe privacy intrusion and mind/behavioral manipulations (money is also an important pillar of an individual that is attacked) are victims of a very, very serious crime. Trying to find out what happens around you as a victim can be very difficult. Make sure this never costs you your social life, relations and family. Even if their disbelief can gets you angry and upset. Always stay cool. Some people disappear in their (scary investigative) shell for years. Do not throw time and love away.
-Jim: Yeah I figured. Thanks !
-Rocksnoezie: Your welcome, mate.
-Jim: right away ?
-Rocksnoezie: screw you.
“It’s not aliens. Plus, they’d be a million years ahead, not just fifty…”
R. Duncan
“Hell is other people…”
J.P. Sartre
Eventually I'll start a lawsuit in an international court of law.
More (clearness) on MindYou. Soon!
Look for happy things.
See Ya!