Cheese beef croquettes
salt pepper
1/2 tablespoon parsely
1/2 teaspoon dried majoram
1/2L thick bechamelsauce
2 eggyolks 1 whole egg
1/4 tablespoon chopped celery
150 g Gruyere
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons oil
Happy Sunday folks!
Today: Spice beef with salt, pepper, nutmeg, garlic, celery, parsely and majoram. Bake ground beef in ten minutes over medium heat till done. Make a thick bechamelsauce and stir in the carefully beaten eggyolks, grated cheese,pepper, salt and soy sauce.
Mix in meat; put in a large flat plate/bowl and let mixture cool down. Make very small elegant croquettes,roll through flour, next through an egg beaten in oil and finaly through bread-crumbs. Fry the croquettes quickly golden-brown.Let drain on papertoweling and garnish with parsely. Enjoy!
easy croquettes
Shop:get a can of good thick ragout. Refrigerate for a while. Take your ‘bitterbal’ or croquette and take it through crumbs, eggyolk & crumbs again. fry for 3-4 minutes.
Serve with bread and mustard.